Junkyards Directory > Junk Yards Near Me > Wisconsin > Manitowoc County > Manitowoc, Wisconsin > Pozorski Hauling & Recycling, LLC
+1 920-682-3544
USA, Wisconsin, Manitowoc, Manitowoc
2515 Viebahn St, Manitowoc, WI (Zipcode: 54220)
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Pozorski Hauling & Recycling, LLC JunkYard Reviews

1.8 stars based on 10 reviews
  • D

    Customer service is poor with these guys. I get it your in the Garbage business but when you don't communicate with your customers and when they call about a complaint it goes in one ear and out the other. Garbage cans broken by them but they wont replace and no website to even get information. Poorly ran business and already switched to another company. BTW, if your name isn't on the account they try to side step you even though you pay the bill too.Service: House & garage cleanouts

  • p
    peter degroot

    I switched to Waste Management. The Pozorski person who answers the phone is rude and has been rude each and every time I've called for 25years. They once had a monopoly in this area and they treat people like $hit. Waste Management values my business and treats customers with respect. Every week I see more and more Waste Management containers in my area. People are finally figuring out they have a choice.Service: Junk removal

  • P
    P.J. Kessel

    I bought my container new second week of January. Its' trashed. Every week after garbage pick up it's broken in a new spot. New crack, new puncture hole, lid destroyed. Service: Trash removal & disposal

  • S

    We don’t use them for garbage pick up, but they’re not fun to live by. It is currently 7:40 in the morning on a Sunday and someone is over there pounding on something metal. It’s been going on since before 7. They don’t answer the phones and a phone number is the only way they give anyone to get a hold of them. This isn’t the first time this has happened. They don’t consider the fact that they are in a residential area at all.

  • T
    Taylor Harlin

    4 years ago this was a one star review. I have seen some great changes in how they do business and have turned me from a disappointed customer into a big fan. The automatic payments have been a nice addition and their pickup has been very consistent. Great work!

  • J
    Jazz Singh

    Every month i have to call them because they miss picking our garbage... How ? Is beyond me considering they pick up everyone elses .. Apparently i am not the only one this happens to on our street.

  • k
    kenneth knipfel

    atleast one to twice a month a have to call them to come back and pick up trash. they tell me they must have missed me . I am like how can they miss when they pick up the can but not the 2 bags right along side. with stickers on them. the drivers and lazy is what it is

  • K
    Kristin Donahue

    Their pickup is always good as they are always on time. However, they don't care about your trash bin and just throw it back on your grass or in your driveway so you can't pull into your own driveway when you get home. Today when I got home, our trash bin was on the grass and the cover was completely broken off and cracked. I wish they took better care of others' property.

  • G
    Gregg Udulutch

    The office staff has the personality of a wet sock. When I call in, it's almost like I'm disturbing them or something. Sometimes they'll pick up our garbage and recycling, other times just our garbage. We've had times where they don't even take all the garbage we have out there. Then add the fact that they don't have a website or a way to pay your bill electronically is just as annoying. It's 2019, probably time to update your capabilities.

  • K
    Ken Ivey

    We signed up with Pozorski because our last pickup service sold out to another company. Soon after, we got a nice card welcoming us - signed by the owner and we thought "nice touch - someone who really gets customer service". Obviously, the marketing staff has it together. I just wish that company culture transferred to the field.This morning, our first pickup with them - they drove off without picking up our trash. On the can was an orange sticker saying our plastic trash can was too big, although it's the same one we've had for 7 years. (There was a single 13 gallon kitchen bag inside the OPEN can).The office, after some discussion, offered to send them back out to pick up our single bag of trash. It seems a shame that the guy, realizing this was a new customer, couldn't just pick up the bag and THEN leave a sticker explaining the rules.I'll see what kind of service I get over the next few weeks and revise my assessment if warranted. In the meantime, if you're a potential customer - I'll give the office a GOOD rating and the field a POOR rating. Hopefully the office will train them better.UPDATE - They did come back and collect the single trash bag, BUT LEFT THE RECYCLING BIN (that had only 2 2-liter bottles and 2 beer cans). Really? I hope they eventually hire someone who actually cares, because this guy is a joke.

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  • 1. How to Contact Pozorski Hauling & Recycling, LLC?

    You may reach them by dialing this phone number +1 920-682-3544. In addition, you can search for their website to find email contact details.

  • 2. What Is the Location Information of Pozorski Hauling & Recycling, LLC?

    Pozorski Hauling & Recycling, LLC is at 2515 Viebahn St, Manitowoc, WI (Zipcode: 54220). Simply use the map above to discover the best way to get there. For additional details, check out this page from our partner, Peddle.

  • 3. What Are People Saying About Pozorski Hauling & Recycling, LLC?

    See one of the featured comments on this auto salvage yard below.
    “Customer service is poor with these guys. I get it your in the Garbage business but when you don't communicate with your customers and when they call about a complaint it goes in one ear and out the other. Garbage cans broken by them but they wont replace and no website to even get information. Poorly ran business and already switched to another company. BTW, if your name isn't on the account they try to side step you even though you pay the bill too.Service: House & garage cleanouts”

  • 4. What Kind of Services Can I Obtain From Pozorski Hauling & Recycling, LLC?

    Pozorski Hauling & Recycling, LLC offers vehicle removal services, where you can sell your junk vehicle for cash. If you wish to contrast their services with those of other auto salvage yards, you may do so from this site.

  • 5. What Are the Hours of Operation For Pozorski Hauling & Recycling, LLC?

    The operating hours of Pozorski Hauling & Recycling, LLC are as follows:
    “Open from 08:00 am to 16:00 pm”