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JunkYards in St Clair County, AL

USCarJunker has got 1 junk yard near you in St Clair County. Besides, you are able to find the corresponding information such as junk yards’ location, telephone number, open hours, etc. Click the buttons below and you can get an offer or call us to get more info.

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List of Junkyards in St Clair County

  • Tucker Auto Salvage
    4103 US, Springville, AL (Zipcode: 35146)
    Open hours:
    Open from 09:00 am to 17:00 pm

    wow this is a gem in my local area (radius of 15 miles) that carrie's a large amt of junk cars. They have a large salvage yard full of cars that no longer run and they have access to Parts Galore! And gentlemen that go and search take off and bring to air conditioned office while you wait. Its not a guarentee your parts not there but the percentages are pretty pretty darn good. I would always give them a call first. the price for my part for me was very reasonable I don't know if it's because I told him I was a senior andon limited income but it never hurts to ask do you have a senior discount whenever you go anyplace.

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