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Get Cash for Hyundai in Any Condition

Trying to get the best price for your used Hyundai? USCarJunker will assist you in turning your junk car into cash. Simply get an offer on this page or give us a call to sell your old Hyundai for cash today.

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  • 1. What State Buys the Most Hyundai Cars?

    It's California. Around 244 Hyundai Cars are bought by junk yards in California.

  • 2. In Which Month Can We Find The Hightest Bought Volumn of Hyundai Cars?

    It's 2022-04. USCarJunker has bought around 786 Hyundai Cars in that period.

  • 3. What's the Oldest Bought Hyundai Cars?

    1997 Hyundai Tiburon, FX is the oldest bought Hyundai cars manufactured in South Korea.

  • 4. What's the Average Price and the Highest Price of Hyundai?

    $1080.83 is the average price and $2000 is the highest price of Hyundai cars. Feel free to check out these data before selling your salvage cars to USCarJunker.

  • 5. What's the Average Milage and the Highest Milage of Hyundai?

    154.65 mi is the average milage and 9999.72 mi is the highest milage of Hyundai cars.