Junk Yards in District of Columbia (DC)
There are 3 junkyards in District of Columbia where you can purchase high quality auto parts or sell your old vehicle. USCarJunker offers you all relevant information about auto salvage yards in this state, containing addresses, phone numbers, etc. Just click the buttons below to get an offer for your old vehicle from junkyards in District of Columbia or phone us!
- Best Quality Parts & Services
- Hassle-free & Effortless Process
- Green Recycling Awareness
- Vehicles Parts from Home & Abroad
- Friendly & Personalized Service
List of Junkyards in District of Columbia State
- 4.3
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Address:3908 Pennsylvania Ave SE, Washington, DC (Zipcode: 20020)Phone:Open hours:Open from 09:00 am to 16:00 pmStatus:ClosedGreat Black Own business order your parts for all vehicles, get supplies needed shovels car cleaners, car wax, tire shine spray scrapers, salt n more.... UPS Access Point for Packages drop-off n pick-up!!
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