JunkYards in Berrien County, GA
USCarJunker has got 1 junk yard near you in Berrien County. Besides, you are able to find the corresponding information such as junk yards’ location, telephone number, open hours, etc. Click the buttons below and you can get an offer or call us to get more info.
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Address:366 Turtle Dove Ln, Nashville, GA (Zipcode: 31639)Phone:Open hours:Open from 09:00 am to 17:00 pmStatus:OpenThe website lists 30 cents per pound for aluminum cans as of 2yrs ago. Today my daughter and I were only given 20 cents per pound. It may not be much to some, but it means a lot for those of us struggling through this pandemic. Every penny counts when we're having a rough time getting by, especially being a single parent with a special needs chiId. I honestly feel he was being biased due to us not being from this area/state, unless he was just taking advantage of me & my daughter. I feel very hurt and mislead. I just asked my neighbor who's from this area how much he was given. He was given 35 cents a pound a couple of weeks ago. It makes me very sad how some ppl can be.
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