JunkYards in Jerome County, ID
USCarJunker provides you with essential information about the 3 junkyards in Jerome County, like their address, phone number, open hours and so on. You can quickly know the differences between junkyards and choose the ideal one. You can also get an offer from us by clicking the button below or dialing the number below!
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List of Junkyards in Jerome County
- 3.6
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Address:609 N Fir St, Jerome, ID (Zipcode: 83338)Phone:Open hours:Open from 08:00 am to 12:01 pmStatus:OpenBest place to go to in the valley. They give you the most for your scrap and are always there and ready to help you scale it up. Ive been to other places and its always a hassle with them. And they never give you the prices that underwood does. They dont try and nickle and dime you on everything like the big operations. I would highly recommend doing business with underwoods as they are a smaller family owned place that takes care of thier customers.
Good people to deal with. Friendly and fair. If they dont have the part you are looking for they will find it.
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