Junk Yards in Big Clifty, KY
Here we list the basic information concerning 3 junkyards in Big Clifty such as addresses, phone numbers, and open hours on this page. Check out the list of junkyards below and pick out the one that you like. Then, click the button to get an offer now.
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List of Junkyards in Big Clifty City
Great local business... live auctions on Facebook.... you never know what you will find... everything from New merchandise... used tools... food....dolls.....cookware...household items.... always get good prices.... great family that does a lot for folks and their community.
- 3.8Check mapAddress:815 Antioch Church Rd, Big Clifty, KY (Zipcode: 42712)Phone:Open hours:Open from 07:00 am to 04:30 pmStatus:Closed
Good honest people and nobody is perfect in the salvage perfect when it comes down to representing used auto parts and they stand behind there parts and would recommend them anytime for transmissions or engine's.
1. How Many Junk Yards Can Be Found in Kentucky, KY?
USCarJunker has found 3 junk yards in Kentucky, KY according to our database.
2. What Can I Get about Junk Yards in Kentucky, KY?
You can get all details about junk yards in Kentucky, KY such as addresses, phone numbers, open hours, status and more.
3. How Can I Find out the Closest Junk Yards in Kentucky, KY?
Click on the Google Map icon on this page to find out the junk yards near you.
4. What Is the Best Junk Yard in Kentucky, KY?
The best junk yard in Kentucky, KY is Hornback Salvage. Check out the comment below to get more inspiration.
“Great local business... live auctions on Facebook.... you never know what you will find... everything from New merchandise... used tools... food....dolls.....cookware...household items.... always get good prices.... great family that does a lot for folks and their community.”