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JunkYards in Salisbury, MD

Looking for junkyards in Salisbury? You're in the right place. Aside from a list of 2 junkyards in Salisbury, we also provide their relevant information including addresses, phone numbers, and open hours. Go through the list and select one that suits your needs. Alternatively, click on any of the buttons below to get a quote from us instantly!

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List of Junkyards in Salisbury City

  • Salisbury Scrap Metal Inc.
    909 Boundary St, Salisbury, MD (Zipcode: 21801)
    Open hours:
    Open from 08:30 am to 04:30 pm

    It's a scrap metal place.Anyway it's a very nice scrap metal place.Been there twice and got about 20 $ each for metal from around the house from updates to outdoor furniture, storm doors etc.Hence I recommend not to drive there just to drop of the metal, do it on your way in otherwise you might spend the money you get on gas.Please note I recommend to drive with pick up or van with thick tires.There is no liability for your flat tires.

  • Pay Less Auto Sales
    932 W Isabella St, Salisbury, MD (Zipcode: 21801)
    Open hours:
    Open from 09:00 am to 18:00 pm

    Before purchasing my 2014 Ford Focus, I had asked if there were any mechanical issues I was told “No” however 2 days afterwards I noticed heavy smoking from my exhaust and they were made aware of the problem (I showed proof) I then gotten the car serviced myself (to find out the cause )and was told I needed a WHOLE new engine. However they have done NOTHING about it besides telling me “I had a 30 day warranty “and “I could take to any mechanic to have it fixed “and “I’ll give you a call “. My car has not been drivable and has been sitting at a shop for 3 months for a pre-existing issue. Please proceed with caution ⚠️

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  • 1. How Many Auto Scrap Yards Are Located in Maryland, MD?

    We've collected information about 2 auto scrap yards in Maryland, MD from our data source.

  • 2. What Can I Get about Auto Scrap Yards in Maryland, MD?

    You can get all details about auto scrap yards in Maryland, MD such as addresses, phone numbers, open hours, status and more.

  • 3. How Do I Get to Know the Closest Auto Scrap Yards in Maryland, MD?

    Hit on the Google Map icon on this page to find out the auto scrap yards near you. Or, you can find here to find auto scrap yards near you right away.

  • 4. Can I Find Out the Best Auto Scrap Yard in Maryland, MD?

    The best auto scrap yard in Maryland, MD is Salisbury Scrap Metal Inc.. Check out the comment below to find out more information.
    “It's a scrap metal place.Anyway it's a very nice scrap metal place.Been there twice and got about 20 $ each for metal from around the house from updates to outdoor furniture, storm doors etc.Hence I recommend not to drive there just to drop of the metal, do it on your way in otherwise you might spend the money you get on gas.Please note I recommend to drive with pick up or van with thick tires.There is no liability for your flat tires.”