JunkYards in Lakewood, NJ
Here we list the information concerning 2 auto salvage yards in Lakewood like addresses, phone numbers, and open hours on this page. Check out the list of junkyards below and pick out the one that interests you. Then, tap on the button to get an offer now.
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- Money-saving Options for Buying Junk Cars
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- Green Way of Dealing with Junk Cars
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List of Junkyards in Lakewood City
I had 2 scrap converters I wanted to send to them in exchange for whatever money they could give me for them. I sent these converters to the address they provided via UPS, and the delivery was confirmed by UPS in mid-January. I called 2 days later to check on the processing of these converters, and I was told to call back in the morning for what I should expect to receive as compensation. I tried calling them the following morning on both of their phone numbers listed from their website several times with no response. I continued to try to contact them for the last almost two months on a daily basis. I have left over 20 phone messages and never received a call back. A week ago, I was able to get in touch with them again, but I was once again blown off and given no answers as to where my money is. I tried calling back as I was told to do, and once again, my phone calls are being avoided. I already had to pay $35 just to ship these items, and I am also owed the value of the parts I sold to them. It seems like they might decent to do business with in person only. My remote experience with them is the worst service I have ever received, and I would never do business with them again.
1. How Many Auto Scrap Yards Are Located in New Jersey, NJ?
We've collected information about 2 auto scrap yards in New Jersey, NJ from our data source.
2. What Details Can I Obtain about Auto Scrap Yards in New Jersey, NJ?
You can get all information about auto scrap yards in New Jersey, NJ such as addresses, phone numbers, open hours, status and more.
3. How Do I Get to Know the Closest Auto Scrap Yards in New Jersey, NJ?
Hit on the Google Map icon on this page to locate the auto scrap yards near you.