Junk Yards in Antlers, OK
Here we list the basic information concerning 11 junkyards in Antlers such as addresses, phone numbers, and open hours on this page. Check out the list of junkyards below and pick out the one that you like. Then, click the button to get an offer now.
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List of Junkyards in Antlers City
Recently purchased a new RZR XPT4 from Antlers. Tony Duncan and the rest of the staff were very helpful throughout the process and they also have the best prices. Definitely will continue to purchase toys from them.
- 4.9
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Address:118 E Main St, Antlers, OK (Zipcode: 74523)Phone:Open hours:Open from 07:30 am to 05:30 pmStatus:ClosedPulled up here at closing time on 2/10/22 and the two guys there went above and beyond to help me I was traveling from Tulsa back to Texas and these guys stayed and helped me install it I really appreciate you guys I offered to pay them they wouldn't take it offed dinner wouldn't take it great guys thanks again from the guys in the 01 blue chevy
- 4.2
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Address:208 Sw C St, Antlers, OK (Zipcode: 74523)Phone:Open hours:Open from 08:00 am to 17:00 pmStatus:ClosedNo waiting today for 2 tires to be changed out. Reasonable price for service. I did have to ask for receipt but it wasn't normal person that works desk. Never have had a problem with service at Kiamichi Tire.
- 4.7
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Address:105 Sw C St, Antlers, OK (Zipcode: 74523)Phone:Open hours:Open from 08:00 am to 17:00 pmStatus:ClosedWrong place i thought it WAS Ada 3 w Auto sales but I'VE never been here but i do know who owns it name is George pig and he has awesome nice rental trailers behind jim rays gas station!
Affordable prices good service & Byron always friendly
Been going to Linda's for 20 years now! Such a unique place and wonderful lady!
- 4.5
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Address:713 US, Antlers, OK (Zipcode: 74523)Phone:Open hours:Open from 08:00 am to 17:00 pmStatus:ClosedThanks again for all your help! I ran over something on the highway and bent my rim and they got me fixed up and back on the road in no time. Not being from Antlers and knowing where to go, I am glad I ended up there.
1/7/19- We live in boswell and switched to Blackburn in Durant last week because our previous trash service, Southern Disposal in antlers, hasn't picked up our trash since December 18, citing holiday schedules. The holiday schedule is listed as trash would be picked up the next scheduled day after the holiday. However, after repeated phone calls with them they still haven't picked up our trash, now 2 weeks after Christmas and 1 week after New year's. Blackburn's came today, january 7, for their first pick up here, and picked up not only their 2 cans (which we pay $29 for, the same price we were paying for service of 1 can from SDI and a 2nd smaller can that we had to buy seperate), but also the 2 we've had out waiting for SDI since December 26.We've been told we will not be getting a refund for the full month we've already paid for because "there are a few months that have 5 weeks instead of 4 and we don't get charged extra for that time". Also, we were forced to be patient with SDI for 3 weeks this past summer because they had "fleet problems" and didn't have an operational truck available to come out to our house. Anyone knows when you pay for a service you expect to get service and that wasn't consistent with sdi. So, if we could just get SDI to come get their now empty can off our property, we can finally be rid of them.
We hit a deer coming home to Texas and totaled our truck.. Dawn was so professional and helpful..they are good people..I recommend them for anyone who needs auto repair. May God bless yall..
1. How Many Auto Scrap Yards Are There in Oklahoma, OK?
There are 11 auto scrap yards in Oklahoma, OK from our data source.
2. What Can I Get about Auto Scrap Yards in Oklahoma, OK?
You can get all details about auto scrap yards in Oklahoma, OK such as addresses, phone numbers, open hours, status and more.
3. How Do I Get to Know the Closest Auto Scrap Yards in Oklahoma, OK?
Hit on the Google Map icon on this page to find out the auto scrap yards near you. Or, you can find here to find auto scrap yards near you now.
4. Can I Find Out the Best Auto Scrap Yard in Oklahoma, OK?
The best auto scrap yard in Oklahoma, OK is Antlers Motorsports. Check out the comment below to find out more information.
“Recently purchased a new RZR XPT4 from Antlers. Tony Duncan and the rest of the staff were very helpful throughout the process and they also have the best prices. Definitely will continue to purchase toys from them.”