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JunkYards in Goldsby, OK

Are you looking for junkyards near you in Goldsby? USCarJunker has got the solution. We found 1 junkyard in Goldsby with its relevant information say addresses, phone numbers, and open hours. Just click below and get an immediate response in no time!

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List of Junkyards in Goldsby City

  • Alpine Foreign Auto
    27221 State Hwy, Goldsby, OK (Zipcode: 73093)
    Open hours:
    Open from 08:00 am to 17:00 pm

    Purchased a pair of fenders for a BMW E30 after talking with Rick. He told me they were "as clean as they come". With shipping costs to the west coast being unreasonable for just one fender, I purchased the pair on Rick's word, justifying the shipping costs by having purchased two fenders.Rick had done a good job of packaging the fenders and getting them over to me. However, after opening the box I quickly noticed the driver side fender had major body work that could easily be seen from the inside. I was very disappointed, as I had essentially paid over $150 to ship one good fender, which I would have not done had I known the circumstances. Rick refunded me the cost of one fender ($100 of the $400 total). Had I been in his position, I would have ate the profit on the second fender and provided a more equitable refund.

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  • 1. How Many Auto Scrap Yards Are Available in Oklahoma, OK?

    We've found out 1 auto scrap yards in Oklahoma, OK from our data source.

  • 2. What Details Can I Obtain about Auto Scrap Yards in Oklahoma, OK?

    You can get all information about auto scrap yards in Oklahoma, OK such as addresses, phone numbers, open hours, status and more.

  • 3. How Do I Get to Know the Closest Auto Scrap Yards in Oklahoma, OK?

    Hit on the Google Map icon on this page to locate the auto scrap yards near you.

  • 4. Can I Find Out the Best Auto Scrap Yard in Oklahoma, OK?

    The best auto scrap yard in Oklahoma, OK is Alpine Foreign Auto. Check out the comment below to find out more information.
    “Purchased a pair of fenders for a BMW E30 after talking with Rick. He told me they were "as clean as they come". With shipping costs to the west coast being unreasonable for just one fender, I purchased the pair on Rick's word, justifying the shipping costs by having purchased two fenders.Rick had done a good job of packaging the fenders and getting them over to me. However, after opening the box I quickly noticed the driver side fender had major body work that could easily be seen from the inside. I was very disappointed, as I had essentially paid over $150 to ship one good fender, which I would have not done had I known the circumstances. Rick refunded me the cost of one fender ($100 of the $400 total). Had I been in his position, I would have ate the profit on the second fender and provided a more equitable refund.”