JunkYards in Juniata County, PA
In Juniata County, you can find 4 junkyards in close proximity with you. Here, we provide complete information about these junkyards, such as open hours, address, and contact numbers. Click the buttons below to get an offer today! You won't believe how much you can get from your old clunker.
- Well-organized & Clean Lots and Offices
- Systematic Operations & Expert Advices
- Competitive Prices without Hidden Fees
- Various Types of Junk Vehicles Considered
- Get Your Junk Car a Full-scale Evaluation Before Selling
List of Junkyards in Juniata County
Local car lot, family owned and run. They have been around for years and that in itself should tell you that they have done well as many repeat clients return to Steve as he has a good word and doesn't play games with people. We have worked together on many clients and I know he will answer the phone or get back to me as quickly as he can.
Choose Salvage Yards Near Me in Juniata by Major Cities
Click the cities below to select the closest junkyard in your neighborhood. Our strong directory provides you with all relevant information you need.