JunkYards in Sayre, PA
Searching for junkyards in Sayre? Here is the right place to start. Aside from a list of 2 junkyards in Sayre, you can also view their relevant information such as addresses, phone numbers, and open hours. Browse through the list and contact one that meets your requirements. Alternatively, click on any of the buttons below to get a quote from us today!
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List of Junkyards in Sayre City
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Address:5224 Mile Lane Rd, Sayre, PA (Zipcode: 18840)Phone:Open hours:Open from 08:00 am to 04:30 pmStatus:OpenThe Haunted Maze and Trail of Terror was awesome!!! Very fun and spooky! I think it was great that the only charge was a pet food donation, it helps our shelters and also allows more families to get to enjoy some Halloween fun. Highly recommend if you haven't gone yet!
1. How Many Junk Yards Can Be Found in Pennsylvania, PA?
USCarJunker has found 2 junk yards in Pennsylvania, PA according to our database.
2. What Details Can I Obtain about Junk Yards in Pennsylvania, PA?
You can get all information about junk yards in Pennsylvania, PA such as addresses, phone numbers, open hours, status and more.
3. How Can I Find out the Closest Junk Yards in Pennsylvania, PA?
Click on the Google Map icon on this page to locate the junk yards near you. Besides, you can click here to find junk yards near you in minutes.
4. What Is the Best Junk Yard in Pennsylvania, PA?
The best junk yard in Pennsylvania, PA is Sutty's Salvage. Check out the comment below to get more inspiration.
“The Haunted Maze and Trail of Terror was awesome!!! Very fun and spooky! I think it was great that the only charge was a pet food donation, it helps our shelters and also allows more families to get to enjoy some Halloween fun. Highly recommend if you haven't gone yet!”