Junk Yards in Jim Wells County, Texas
In Jim Wells County, you can find 4 junk yards in close proximity with you. Here, we provide complete information about these junk yards, such as open hours, address, and contact numbers. Click the buttons below to get an offer instantly! You won't believe how much you can get from your wrecked auto.
- Best Quality Parts & Services
- Hassle-free & Effortless Process
- Green Recycling Awareness
- Vehicles Parts from Home & Abroad
- Full Service of Parts Sales & Support
List of Junkyards in Jim Wells County
- 4.8Check mapAddress:917 S U.s. Hwy, Alice, TX (Zipcode: 78332)Phone:Open hours:Open from 08:00 am to 03:30 pmStatus:Open
Friendly crew and good prices
Mr Nunez has the best prices and is a very honest man. I spoke to many junkyards and none of them gave me the correct information and tried to sell me parts I didn't need. Thank you for your honesty.
That's my Auto parts store wouldn't buy parts no where else
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