Junk Yards in Hazel Green, AL
Here we present the information concerning 6 auto salvage yards in Hazel Green like addresses, phone numbers, and open hours on this page. Check the list of junkyards below and pick out the one that interests you. Then, tap on the button to get an offer now.
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- Top-rated Warranty Programs
- Green Way of Dealing with Junk Cars
- Trusted by Customers Nationwide
List of Junkyards in Hazel Green City
- 4.6Check mapAddress:191 Walker Ln, Hazel Green, AL (Zipcode: 35750)Phone:Open hours:Open from 08:00 am to 17:00 pmStatus:Closed
They are amazing!!! I called around everywhere to get a window the prices where outrageous. But Bama Parts price was the best in Madison County. They are so nice and professional. It took less than 10 minutes to get what I needed. Thank you so much Bama Parts you saved my day!!! I will not use anyone else but them ever again!!!
- 4.6Check mapAddress:15235 Hwy, Hazel Green, AL (Zipcode: 35750)Phone:Open hours:Open from 08:00 am to 16:00 pmStatus:Closed
Great experience! Highly recommend this place! Anthony was both helpful and friendly. He was also really sweet explaining stuff to my 5 year old son who was interested in the process.
You will find a lot different choices but no really big.
Watch them they will cheat people every chance they get.
This is my father’s company, I helped him from the time I was born until the time he decided it was time to retire. I want to say thank you to the community of Hazel Green for allowing my family to have such a huge impact on the growth of our small town through the many people met over the years coming from all over the southeast for parts- this company was my dad’s pride and joy. Thank you to everyone who contributed to his life’s work, Tennessee Valley Auto Salvage is permanently closed. Please remember our family in your prayers as we continue building legacies of our own in honor of everything our father instilled in this business. Exciting development coming soon!
1. In Alabama, AL, How Many Salvage Yards Are There?
There is a total of 6 salvage yards in Alabama, AL.
2. What Can I Know About Salvage Yards in Alabama, AL?
You can know the address information, phone number, business hours, and official website of the salvage yards in Alabama, AL. You can also dig out more detailed information about the salvage yards in Alabama, AL from our partner, Peddle.
3. Which Salvage Yards Are Nearest to Me in Alabama, AL?
You can find the nearest salvage yards near you in Alabama, AL by pressing the "Check map" icon.
4. Which Salvage Yard in Alabama, AL Is Reputed to Be the Best?
Bama Parts is the best salvage yard in Alabama, AL. The following is one of the highlighted remarks on this salvage yard.
“They are amazing!!! I called around everywhere to get a window the prices where outrageous. But Bama Parts price was the best in Madison County. They are so nice and professional. It took less than 10 minutes to get what I needed. Thank you so much Bama Parts you saved my day!!! I will not use anyone else but them ever again!!!”