JunkYards in White Hall, MD
Here we list the information concerning 2 auto salvage yards in White Hall like addresses, phone numbers, and open hours on this page. Check out the list of junkyards below and pick out the one that interests you. Then, tap on the button to get an offer now.
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List of Junkyards in White Hall City
- 3.8
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Address:19529 Old York Rd, White Hall, MD (Zipcode: 21161)Phone:Open hours:Open from 09:00 am to 17:00 pmStatus:OpenI picked up a small piece of metal on 439 just at sundown. I was cursing having to change a tire in the dark on a country road. Just then I went over the rise and saw/remembered John Brown's was on 439. I limped onto their lot with a flat and drove off 30 minutes later with a thoroughly professional patch job. I give John Brown's 5 stars only because I can't give them 6.
- 4.5
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Address:19610 Kirkwood Shop Rd, White Hall, MD (Zipcode: 21161)Phone:Open hours:Open from 09:00 am to 17:00 pmStatus:OpenAlways a good selection of old and newer parts. Saw some vehicles there that I haven't seen in years. Prices are very competitive.
1. In Maryland, MD, How Many Auto Salvage Yards Are There?
In total, there are 2 auto salvage yards in Maryland, MD.
2. What Information Are Provided About Auto Salvage Yards in Maryland, MD?
You can find the address information, phone number, operating hours, and official website of the auto salvage yards in Maryland, MD.
3. Which Auto Salvage Yards Are Nearest to Me in Maryland, MD?
You can find the nearest auto salvage yards near you in Maryland, MD by pressing the "Check map" icon. Or you can check on this page to find auto salvage yards near you.
4. Which Auto Salvage Yard in Maryland, MD Is Regarded as the Best?
John Brown's Auto Parts Inc is the best auto salvage yard in Maryland, MD. The following is one of the most recent comments on this auto salvage yard.
“I picked up a small piece of metal on 439 just at sundown. I was cursing having to change a tire in the dark on a country road. Just then I went over the rise and saw/remembered John Brown's was on 439. I limped onto their lot with a flat and drove off 30 minutes later with a thoroughly professional patch job. I give John Brown's 5 stars only because I can't give them 6.”