JunkYards in Kearny, NJ
USCarJunker has listed 7 junkyards in Kearny. By browsing the list below, you could easily have the brief information of different junkyards in Kearny. Contact an ideal junkyard by the listed address, phone, and open hours based on your needs. The most direct way is to click the button below for getting your offer or call our professional team for assistance.
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List of Junkyards in Kearny City
- 3.8
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Address:54 Stover Ave, Kearny, NJ (Zipcode: 07032)Phone:Open hours:Open from 08:00 am to 14:00 pmStatus:ClosedGreat customer service: I was in and out with sufficient part I needed in less than 10 minutes- and the price was right!
- 4.2
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Address:34 Stover Ave, Kearny, NJ (Zipcode: 07032)Phone:Open hours:Open from 10:30 am to 17:00 pmStatus:OpenOne of the most poorly ran salvage yards in nj. The fat lady in the front was so rude. Couldn't even get up from her chair to help me. Very dirty oil everywhere on the ground. Talk to another person to see if they could help and the man was so drunk couldn't even understand him. Don't even bother with this place will rip you off. My friend went there to scrap a car they told him $50. My friend went to bibs scrap yard down the block and gave him $500 for the same car. DO NOT GO HERE. Go to bibs scrap yard down the block a much more professional ran business.would give no stars if I could
Angela is awesome! Junked in the usa is a easy and great way to dispose of you junk or un wanted cars!
1. In New Jersey, NJ, How Many Auto Salvage Yards Are Out There?
You can find 7 auto salvage yards in New Jersey, NJ.
2. What Data Are Available Regarding the Auto Salvage Yards in New Jersey, NJ?
We list the address information, phone number, operating hours, and official website of the auto salvage yards in New Jersey, NJ.
3. Which Auto Salvage Yards Are The Most Convenient for Me in New Jersey, NJ?
You can locate the nearest auto salvage yards near you in New Jersey, NJ by checking the "Check map" icon. Or you can check on this page to find auto salvage yards near you.
4. Which Auto Salvage Yard in New Jersey, NJ Is Said to Be the Finest?
Bib's Auto Parts is the best auto salvage yard in New Jersey, NJ. The following is one of the featured remarks on this auto salvage yard.
“Great customer service: I was in and out with sufficient part I needed in less than 10 minutes- and the price was right!”