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Junk Yards in Livingston County, New York

We have collected all relevant details regarding the 2 scrap yards in Livingston County, such as address, phone number, open hours. Looking to get cash for your junk car? Simply click below to get your cash offer in no time!

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List of Junkyards in Livingston County

  • P J's Auto Parts
    2708 Main St, Caledonia, NY (Zipcode: 14423)
    Open hours:

    Purchased a used transmission for my 08 Sierra here , price was good , customer service was good and part works as intended. I have read many bad reviews about this business right here on Google, what struck me was the brazen responses by the owner , as a business owner myself I do understand that as a customer you may believe you know what's best ,but sometimes situations could be handled better if you would communicate Instead of speculate. I would recommend these guys , just call before you go.

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