Junk Yards in Amanda, OH
USCarJunker has selected 3 junkyards in Amanda. By browsing the list below, you could easily have the brief information of different junk yards in Amanda. Contact an ideal junkyard by the listed address, phone, and open hours according to your demands. The most direct way is to click the button below for getting your offer or call our professional team for advices.
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List of Junkyards in Amanda City
- 2.8
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Address:10080 Cincinnati-zanesville Rd SW, Amanda, OH (Zipcode: 43102)Phone:Open hours:Open from 08:30 am to 05:30 pmStatus:ClosedCalled to get parts and they said yes we got it come on down. Got there and after waiting over an hour they came back and didn’t have any of them. Came down on another occasion and the parts they had were cracked and broken. Way overpriced and expect to be there well over an hour. They think they have gold. Luckily other places are more reasonable
I bought a battery here, and they had the best price in my area. They also made sure it would fix right and installed it at no extra charge.
1. In Ohio, OH, How Many Salvage Yards Are There?
There are 3 salvage yards in Ohio, OH.
2. What Information Is Available About Salvage Yards in Ohio, OH?
We provide the address information, phone number, business hours, and official website of the salvage yards in Ohio, OH.
3. Which Salvage Yards Are Nearest to Me in Ohio, OH?
You can find the nearest salvage yards near you in Ohio, OH by pressing the "Check map" icon.
4. Which Salvage Yard in Ohio, OH Is the Best?
Town and Country Auto Parts is the best salvage yard in Ohio, OH. The following is one of the featured comments on this salvage yard.
“Called to get parts and they said yes we got it come on down. Got there and after waiting over an hour they came back and didn’t have any of them. Came down on another occasion and the parts they had were cracked and broken. Way overpriced and expect to be there well over an hour. They think they have gold. Luckily other places are more reasonable”