Junk Yards in Buda, TX
Here we list the basic information concerning 7 junkyards in Buda such as addresses, phone numbers, and open hours on this page. Check out the list of junkyards below and pick out the one that you like. Then, click the button to get an offer now.
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List of Junkyards in Buda City
Avery was very helpful and professional. He answered all questions that I asked and prices for new batteries were great. I bought a new battery for a great price and would have bought it for 150.00+ at other stores. I am definitely going to recommend this place to my friends and family.Thank you Avery
- 4.5
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Address:1115 B, Buda, TX (Zipcode: 78610)Phone:Open hours:Open from 07:30 am to 22:00 pmStatus:ClosedI’ve shopped at many AutoZone locations over the past 35 years and this location here in Buda Texas is beyond exceptional. Every employee takes their time listening and giving resolutions to my concern with all my vehicles. I appreciate all of you greatly!
- 4.4
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Address:149 Park 35 Cv S, Buda, TX (Zipcode: 78610)Phone:Open hours:Open from 07:30 am to 18:00 pmStatus:ClosedWent there looking for a small wheel/shaft bearing. And the quick response of 2 gentlemens performance at the service desk was outstanding!!! I walked out a very satisfied customer!😁"🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟's"
Best experience at a shop in a while. Extremely polite and helpful staff and had everything in stock and ready to go. They even brought my parts out to my vehicle for me. Great guys, highly recommend
1. In Texas, TX, How Many Salvage Yards Are Out There?
You can find 7 salvage yards in Texas, TX.
2. What Data Are Available Regarding the Salvage Yards in Texas, TX?
We list the address information, phone number, business hours, and official website of the salvage yards in Texas, TX.
3. Which Salvage Yards Are The Most Convenient for Me in Texas, TX?
You can locate the nearest salvage yards near you in Texas, TX by checking the "Check map" icon. Or you can browse this site to find salvage yards near you.
4. Which Salvage Yard in Texas, TX Is Said to Be the Finest?
ATX Batteries is the best salvage yard in Texas, TX. The following is one of the featured remarks on this salvage yard.
“Avery was very helpful and professional. He answered all questions that I asked and prices for new batteries were great. I bought a new battery for a great price and would have bought it for 150.00+ at other stores. I am definitely going to recommend this place to my friends and family.Thank you Avery”