Pascagoula Auto Salvage 39562
Located in the region of Moss Point (Mississippi), Pascagoula Auto Salvage can assist you to to find junk pieces or get cash for your vehicles. You can get what you need with its quality service and legal warranties. Its business scope includes automobile parts and scrap metal delivery. Ask them for an appraisal of the junk car or more details in buying a junk car at a good price. You might be able to get in touch with them with the phone number +1 228-474-6330 or drop by the junkyard during open hours and get what you need.
Pascagoula Auto Salvage JunkYard Reviews
3.3 stars based on 8 reviews- BBoosted ChevyStang CNS
Sold me a broken starter, then (a year later..never installed) told me that they could not help. This was after I drove 20 miles on my only day off.
- TTiffanie Johnson
Can fine just about anything you be looking for 😊 !
- vvtonietonie
20 acres of vehicles, lost a hub cap. Found 2 for under 10 ! It was like a treasure hunt. Dog even enjoyed it too.
- GGabe Thomas
Terrible Service - NEVER answer the phone, you have to drive out there and risk them just NOT being there during scheduled hours.VERY RUDE The 3 times I've been have always been marred by the bad attitude of the employees/owner.OVERPRICED!!! They wanted $150 for a used (Sitting in the weather for years outside) window motor for a Pontiac when you could buy a OEM new one online w/ free shipping for $40!Worth it to drive further and go to Barry's in AL...
- FFrank Hubbard
Needed a transmission for my 95 Chevy silverrodo only place that had one . $650 . but having a little trouble with third gear we will see how it goes . will report ASAP . ok call the gentleman who runs it he went to work right away found me anything transmission only took a few days . I am now in the process of changing out the old one . PASDAGULA AUTO SALVAGE. IS THE PERFECT PLACE TO FIND WHAT YOU NTHAY ARE VERY BUSY. BEST TO GO. INSTEAD OF CALLING
- BBetsy Rgb
The phone number doesn’t work, I am trying to contact them. Does anyone have the contact number?
- WWillie Mead
I am well pleased with my purchase, I got an engine at a great price,it came with a warranty too.
- RRichard Groshong
Have been able to get most anything I need if I go there can't call cause you won't get an answer
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Location & Hours
Current Hours
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
- Mon: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
- Tues: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
- Wed: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
- Thur: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
- Fri: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Current Hours
- Sat: Closed
- Sun: Closed
- Mon: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
- Tues: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
- Wed: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
- Thur: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
- Fri: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
1. How to Get in Touch With Pascagoula Auto Salvage?
+1 228-474-6330 may be their phone number. You can visit for more details about this car salvage yard.
2. What's the Address Of Pascagoula Auto Salvage?
Click "Directions" to get the address of this junk yard on this page.
3. How Do People Comment On Pascagoula Auto Salvage?
WeLoans has compiled some customer reviews on it below:
“Sold me a broken starter, then (a year later..never installed) told me that they could not help. This was after I drove 20 miles on my only day off.”4. What Services Does Pascagoula Auto Salvage Offer?
Pascagoula Auto Salvage provides services like professional car removal services, junk car purchase and more.