Rowe's Auto Services 13820

Junk Yard
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+1 607-432-0722
USA, New York, Otsego, Oneonta
69 Market St, Oneonta, NY (Zipcode: 13820)
Check map
Rowe's Auto Services01
  • Rowe's Auto Services01
  • Rowe's Auto Services02
  • Rowe's Auto Services03

Rowe's Auto Services offers car removal service to its customers with the most friendly service of the market and great customer service. It is a junk yard located in Oneonta (New York). You might contact them by phone number +1 607-432-0722 or email if you want to get more info about second-hand parts, estimated junk car value, selling or buying used vehicles. You can also see the address below and drop by the shop now if you need to make further negotiation. Remember to see the open hours before you go.

Rowe's Auto Services JunkYard Reviews

4.9 stars based on 10 reviews
  • P
    Patricia OConnor
    star iconstar iconstar iconstar iconstar icon

    Always go here for my parts.Joey and Lance and staff r super nice people.

  • A
    Ahren Edison
    star iconstar iconstar iconstar iconstar icon

    Lance and Joe have an exceptional knowledge of vehicle parts, an extensive history with them, and - most importantly - the desire to give the customer the benefit of their experience. The very large inventory of commonly used parts is also very helpful, as is the wide variety of in-stock tools. Locally owned parts stores are always the way to go versus chain stores. Assuming, of course, that you want to get the correct, high quality part the first time, and not spend your day going back and forth to find one that fits and / or works.

  • P
    Phillip Adams
    star iconstar iconstar iconstar iconstar icon

    Best place to get your parts in town

  • S
    Steve Sperbeck
    star iconstar iconstar iconstar iconstar icon

    Great People to do business with, very knowledgeable and friendly, will do all they can to help you out, and if they can't help you they will send you to someone else who can help you out.

  • D
    Donald Garrison
    star iconstar iconstar iconstar iconstar icon

    Great place to get all your parts for Anything. Joey and Lance are very Knowledgeable people.

  • M
    Michael Singleton
    star iconstar iconstar iconstar iconstar icon

    This is where my company gets their hydraulic hoses repaired. They always do a great job and the staff are very friendly and willing to help.

  • S
    Sean Budd
    star iconstar iconstar iconstar iconstar icon

    One of the last remaining hometown auto supply stores. These guys know their stuff and will go out of their way to ensure a positive experience!

  • d
    david beckley
    star iconstar iconstar iconstar iconstar icon

    Always get what I need here at rowes!!!

  • J
    Jack Benny
    star iconstar iconstar iconstar iconstar icon

    Excellent place to get car and truck parts. Very knowledgeable staff.

  • J
    Joe Garone
    star iconstar iconstar iconstar iconstar icon

    Friendly staff and reasonable prices

Nearby JunkYards

Location & Hours

Current Hours

  • Close time icon
    Sun: Closed
  • Mon: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
  • Tues: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
  • Wed: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
  • Thur: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
  • Fri: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
  • Sat: 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM


  • 1. How to Contact Rowe's Auto Services?

    You can call them at this phone number +1 607-432-0722. In addition, you can search for their website to find email contact details.

  • 2. What Is the Address of Rowe's Auto Services?

    Rowe's Auto Services is at 69 Market St, Oneonta, NY (Zipcode: 13820). You can check the map above to find the best way to get there.

  • 3. What Do People Think About Rowe's Auto Services?

    You can see one of the featured comments on this auto salvage yard below.
    “Always go here for my parts.Joey and Lance and staff r super nice people.”

  • 4. What Services Can I Get From Rowe's Auto Services?

    Rowe's Auto Services offers vehicle removal services, where you can sell your junk car for cash. If you wish to contrast their services with those of other auto salvage yards, you may do so from this site.