Ed's Auto Services & Salvage 28356

Junk Yard
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+1 910-488-2230
USA, North Carolina, Linden
1238 Slocomb Rd, Linden, NC (Zipcode: 28356)
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Ed's Auto Services & Salvage01
  • Ed's Auto Services & Salvage01
  • Ed's Auto Services & Salvage02
  • Ed's Auto Services & Salvage03

Ed's Auto Services & Salvage offers junk car selling and buying service to its customers with fast delivery service of the market and great customer service. It is a junk yard located in Linden (North Carolina). You might contact them by phone number +1 910-488-2230 or email if you are looking to know more about second-hand parts, estimated junk car value, selling or buying used vehicles. You can also find out the address below and head to the shop now if they can't explain every details through phone or email. Don't forget to check out the open hours before you go.

Ed's Auto Services & Salvage JunkYard Reviews

3.4 stars based on 10 reviews
  • T
    Tony Hines
    star iconstar iconstar iconstar iconstar icon

    Fantastic experience, my wife and I love miranda, her music, and now her food. Recommend this place for every honky tonk fan.

  • J
    John Fortson
    star iconstar iconstar iconstar iconstar icon

    Walt and Tim were so helpful and courteous.

  • S
    Shontae B
    star iconstar iconstar iconstar iconstar icon

    Although it was quite a ride coming all the way from Reilly Road, I was very pleased with Ed's Auto. I purchased an alternator for my van. Even after realizing I didn't need the alternator, Ed was nice enough to let me exchange it for the starter I needed. They ordered my parts and they were available within 24 hours. That's great!

  • A
    Alex Jacobs
    star iconstar iconstar iconstar iconstar icon

    I called asking for a part Ed the owner was very rude " said I know what kinda person you are " . Then he hung up the phone on me. I call back asked why he hung up on me and that was very in professional way of running a business.He stated to me I have been in business 45 years . If I was not willing to come out and look for the part I didn't Need it. I was going to drive there but after his attitude and hanging the phone on me . I will not ever do business with someone so rude.I live a long way from this salvage yard . Rescect and having manners goes a long way with your customers. To top it off it was the owner of the salvage yard . He also owns the one on Raeford Rd . Just heads up lady on Raeford Rd was nice pleasant to talk with . I called her back explained what had taken place .Then she told me Ed was the owner maby I caught him in a bad mood or in the middle of something/project. Either way what ever the situation does not gives him the right to be so rude over the phone. I have no idea how he has been in business that long with attitude like his .

  • m
    mark nichols
    star iconstar iconstar iconstar iconstar icon

    great service purchased used 4.3 chevy motor could not be happier highly recommend

  • B
    Brian Skipper
    star iconstar iconstar iconstar iconstar icon

    They sold me rims off a Buick when I asked and needed rims for a Chevy Malibu

  • D
    Donna GAIL Kimbrel
    star iconstar iconstar iconstar iconstar icon

    Prices to HIGH!!! $50. for a steel rim!!! Won't call here anymore...

  • J
    James Turner
    star iconstar iconstar iconstar iconstar icon

    Always have hard to find parts and at great prices.

  • M
    M J
    star iconstar iconstar iconstar iconstar icon

    Horrible phone etiquette . Glad I called first.

  • D
    Damon German
    star iconstar iconstar iconstar iconstar icon

    Thanks for the help with the car

Nearby JunkYards

Location & Hours

Current Hours

  • Close time icon
    Sun: Closed
  • Mon: 8:00 AM – 5:30 AM
  • Tues: 8:00 AM – 5:30 AM
  • Wed: 8:00 AM – 5:30 AM
  • Thur: 8:00 AM – 5:30 AM
  • Fri: 8:00 AM – 5:30 AM
  • Sat: Closed


  • 1. How to Get in Touch With Ed's Auto Services & Salvage?

    +1 910-488-2230 may be their phone number. You can visit for more details about this junk yard.

  • 2. Where Can I Find Out Ed's Auto Services & Salvage?

    Click on "Directions" to find out its physical address on this page.

  • 3. How Do People Comment On Ed's Auto Services & Salvage?

    We've presented some customer reviews on it below:
    “Fantastic experience, my wife and I love miranda, her music, and now her food. Recommend this place for every honky tonk fan.”

  • 4. What Does Ed's Auto Services & Salvage Offer?

    Ed's Auto Services & Salvage provides services like professional car removal services, junk car purchase and more.