Kewaskum Auto Recyclers 53040
If you are hunting for a junk yard to sell your vehicles at a good price in Kewaskum (Wisconsin), Kewaskum Auto Recyclers suits you best. It mainly focuses on the delivery of car parts or scrap metal, always with the best service. You can also ask them for an evaluation of your used car or information on buying a junk car. Dial the phone number +1 262-626-2929 during its open hours or email them if available.
Kewaskum Auto Recyclers JunkYard Reviews
4.6 stars based on 9 reviews- RRandy Fell
It is a wonderful place of business. The owner is very friendly and willing to help you with anything. Would highly recommend
- ppure 29
Stop told to leave guess they sold out and moven so the temp closed is more like permanently closed
- DDaniel Bath
Have gone there for the longest time Bob is very reasonable and affordable on all parts that he has in stock call and leave a message he is open certain hours
- AAntonio Luna
Great place and low prices as long as you dont mind getting dirty!
- RRamiro Loera
Nice guy good prices, let's u return stuff too if you're not happy with part
- JJeff Schaefer
Great place to find parts! Bob is always very helpful.fair prices!
- MMike Caldwell
The best place around for used parts. Bob is awesome.
- MMike Eilbes
Great owner, great customer service, and great hours!!!
- GGary Piller
Nice people who work there, nice variety
Nearby JunkYards
- Kewaskum Auto Recyclers
- No reviews
- N205 County Road V, Kewaskum, WI (Zipcode: 53040)
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1. How to Reach Out Kewaskum Auto Recyclers?
+1 262-626-2929 can be their phone number. You can visit for more details about this junk yard.
2. Where Can I Find Out Kewaskum Auto Recyclers?
Click on "Directions" to find out its physical address on this page.
3. How Do People Like Kewaskum Auto Recyclers?
We've presented some customer reviews on it below:
“It is a wonderful place of business. The owner is very friendly and willing to help you with anything. Would highly recommend”4. What Does Kewaskum Auto Recyclers Offer?
Kewaskum Auto Recyclers provides services like junk car removal services, junk car purchase and more.