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Cash for Cars in Philadelphia East-Sublot, PA

Sell your junk car in Philadelphia East-Sublot

Looking to get rid of your junk car in Philadelphia East-Sublot, PA? USCarJunker will buy your car anywhere in the Philadelphia East-Sublot area and tow it for free! Find out what your used car is worth now, and earn cash for it now!

(888) 810-1193


  • 1. Which Automobile Brand Did USCarJunker Buy the Most in Philadelphia East-Sublot, PA?

    We bought 12 Chevrolet in Philadelphia East-Sublot, PA, at an average price of 1168.75$, which is the largest number of any brand that we bought.

  • 2. What Will Be the Highest Car Purchase Price in Philadelphia East-Sublot, PA?

    The highest price we paid for a car was 2000$ in Philadelphia East-Sublot, PA, in a total of 4 cars.

  • 3. What Will Be the Average Price and Mileage of Purchased Cars in Philadelphia East-Sublot, PA?

    The average price and mileage of purchased cars in Philadelphia East-Sublot, PA were 1197.50$ and 165.66km, correspondingly. To learn more about acquired automobiles in Philadelphia East-Sublot, PA.

  • 4. What Will Be the Lowest Car Purchase Price in Philadelphia East-Sublot, PA?

    The lowest price we paid for a car was 35$ in Philadelphia East-Sublot, PA, in a total of 2 cars.

  • 5. What Is the Highest Odometer on a Car Purchased in Philadelphia East-Sublot, PA?

    The automobile we purchased had an odometer reading as high as 383. If you want to sell your junk cars, you can check our website for additional info.