Junk Yards in Coachella, CA
USCarJunker has listed 13 junkyards in Coachella. By browsing the list below, you could easily get the basic information of different junkyards in Coachella. Contact an ideal junkyard by the listed address, phone, and open hours based on your needs. The most direct way is to click the button below for getting your offer or call our professional team for assistance.
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List of Junkyards in Coachella City
Apparently they didn't have the cash today to pay me for what I brought in. So instead I had to go with either a check today or cash tomorrow. Then there is a 2 hour gap that I have to wait till I can cash in the check, (my gas light is on) so it was an ok experience i guess
The Gentleman behind the counter was Professional and nice. Even Spoke Spanish to other customers who didn't speak English. Good Job..
- 3.9
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Address:84851 Ave, Coachella, CA (Zipcode: 92236)Phone:Open hours:Open from 08:00 am to 17:00 pmStatus:ClosedVery good experience. Looking for parts on line, I found that Ajax had all 4 pieces I needed, and at a reasonable price.Called and talked to Junior. He was very professional and courteous. He checked to make sure they still had the parts in stock, and even sent me pictures of the parts, so I could see what I was getting before driving 130 miles one way.I called back and told them I was coming, so they could begin removing the parts off the car. And that's what they did.Other than the 4 hour round trip, which was very worth it, everything was easy, and went exactly as planned. (pretty impressive these days).Those people who expect red carpet treatment from a wrecking yard, should go to the dealer.Thanks Ajax for a job well done..........Larry at Clarks Autos and Trucks
- 3.9
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Address:48451 Harrison St, Coachella, CA (Zipcode: 92236)Phone:Open hours:Open from 08:00 am to 17:00 pmStatus:ClosedFound what we needed ad then some ! Bring tools!
They treated me like a friend
1. How Many Car Salvage Yards Are Available in California, CA?
We've found out 13 car salvage yards in California, CA in total.
2. What Can I Get about Car Salvage Yards in California, CA?
You can get all details about car salvage yards in California, CA such as addresses, phone numbers, open hours, status and more.
3. How to Find the Closest Car Salvage Yards in California, CA?
Click the Google Map icon on this page to find out the car salvage yards near you.
4. Which One Is the Best Car Salvage Yard in California, CA?
The best car salvage yard in California, CA is SA Recycling. Check out the comment below to know more.
“Apparently they didn't have the cash today to pay me for what I brought in. So instead I had to go with either a check today or cash tomorrow. Then there is a 2 hour gap that I have to wait till I can cash in the check, (my gas light is on) so it was an ok experience i guess”