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JunkYards in Caledonia, IL

Hunting down auto salvage yards in Caledonia? Then you've come to the right place. Aside from a list of 2 auto salvage yards in Caledonia, we also have their relevant information such as addresses, phone numbers, and open hours. Browse through the list and choose one that meets your requirements. Alternatively, click on any of the buttons below to get a quote from us quickly!

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List of Junkyards in Caledonia City

  • Junction Auto Parts
    4557 IL, Caledonia, IL (Zipcode: 61011)
    Open hours:
    Open from 08:00 am to 17:00 pm

    I found this unto part store on EBay, so I sent the owner a message about a part that my husband needed for his truck. So the next day, someone there emailed me back.. so I had my husband to call him, he did and he asked the guy did he have a Rear Drive Shaft 2WD for a 1998. The guy said yes, and that he will call us back to see if the part was still on the truck. He called back a few minutes later and said he had a two piece Drive Shaft, so my husband asked him will it fit, he told him yes. So my husband told him we will come to pick it up. But we had to pay for it online first. Which we did. My husband also told him we are a hour away. So we drove all the way out there just to be disappointed. When my husband went inside and told them he was coming to get the part. A different worker told my husband, that.. the two piece drive shaft will not fit. Smh so sad. That most ppl who works in Auto Parts doesn’t know to much. My husband truck needs a one piece. Make sure you ask someone who knows more about cars and the parts. It was a waste of our time, money and gas.

  • Ollie's General Store
    20048 Free Church Rd, Caledonia, IL (Zipcode: 61011)

    The name of the old guy is Ole, not Ollie. What’s here is a giant amount of household, commercial, industrial and architectural salvage. At his outdoor site you can pick through these piles at your own pace. Everything is outdoors and very weathered. A trip to Ole’s Might take an hour or two.

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  • 1. How Many Junk Yards Are Located in Illinois, IL?

    We've collected information about 2 junk yards in Illinois, IL according to our database.

  • 2. What Can I Get about Junk Yards in Illinois, IL?

    You can get all details about junk yards in Illinois, IL such as addresses, phone numbers, open hours, status and more.

  • 3. How Can I Find out the Closest Junk Yards in Illinois, IL?

    Click on the Google Map icon on this page to find out the junk yards near you. Besides, you can click here to find junk yards near you right away.

  • 4. What Is the Best Junk Yard in Illinois, IL?

    The best junk yard in Illinois, IL is Junction Auto Parts. Check out the comment below to get more inspiration.
    “I found this unto part store on EBay, so I sent the owner a message about a part that my husband needed for his truck. So the next day, someone there emailed me back.. so I had my husband to call him, he did and he asked the guy did he have a Rear Drive Shaft 2WD for a 1998. The guy said yes, and that he will call us back to see if the part was still on the truck. He called back a few minutes later and said he had a two piece Drive Shaft, so my husband asked him will it fit, he told him yes. So my husband told him we will come to pick it up. But we had to pay for it online first. Which we did. My husband also told him we are a hour away. So we drove all the way out there just to be disappointed. When my husband went inside and told them he was coming to get the part. A different worker told my husband, that.. the two piece drive shaft will not fit. Smh so sad. That most ppl who works in Auto Parts doesn’t know to much. My husband truck needs a one piece. Make sure you ask someone who knows more about cars and the parts. It was a waste of our time, money and gas.”