Junk Yards in Parke County, Indiana
USCarJunker provides you with essential information about the 2 wrecking yards in Parke County, like their address, phone number, open hours etc. You can quickly know the differences between wrecking yards and choose the ideal one. You can also get an offer from us by clicking the button below or dialing the number below!
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List of Junkyards in Parke County
- 3.7Check mapAddress:4491 Mecca Rd, Rockville, IN (Zipcode: 47872)Phone:Open hours:Open from 08:00 am to 17:00 pmStatus:Closed
Even though it was a two hour drive, it saved me $1200 on a part I needed for my car. They were super easy to deal with. Fast and efficient and friendly. I hope I don't need them again but would use them again without question.
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