JunkYards in Decatur County, IA
USCarJunker offers you necessary information about the 2 junk yards in Decatur County, like their address, phone number, open hours and so on. You can quickly know the differences between junk yards and go for the ideal one. You can also get an offer from us by clicking the button below or dialing the number below!
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List of Junkyards in Decatur County
- 3.8
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Address:23579 220th St, Leon, IA (Zipcode: 50144)Phone:Open hours:Open from 08:00 am to 17:00 pmStatus:OpenI spoke with Angie when I called asking for parts and prices. She said she would call back with a total price before ordering. She never called back. So I called today. She said she ordered the parts but had to call me back so she could go through her messages to find the total.... not sure what that means exactly but sounds like they need to get organized and call customers back like they say they will before ordering parts... we heard their parts are great and prices are as well that's why we decided to go here but their service sucks.!!
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