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Junk Yards in Tama County, Iowa

We have collected all detailed information regarding the 2 salvage yards in Tama County, such as address, phone number, open hours. Looking to get cash for your junk car? Simply click below to get your quote right away!

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List of Junkyards in Tama County

  • Sandhill Auto Salvage
    1981 Highway, Tama, IA (Zipcode: 52339)
    Open hours:

    They are extremely fast, welcoming and most of all knowledgeable. They are also decently priced! A few year ago my boyfriend got a transmission for my car and he just recently got a motor for a friend's car. Both in good condition and function as they're supposed. They stand by the things that they sell with a 90 day guarantee. I highly recommend them to everyone looking for vehicle parts.

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