JunkYards in Franklin County, NC
USCarJunker provides you with essential information about the 4 junk yards in Franklin County, like their address, phone number, open hours etc. You can quickly know the differences between junk yards and choose the ideal one. You can also get an offer from us by clicking the button below or dialing the number below!
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List of Junkyards in Franklin County
- 4.6
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Address:4085 US, Franklinton, NC (Zipcode: 27525)Phone:Open hours:Open from 09:00 am to 17:00 pmStatus:ClosedEasy to find what I was looking for everything in well organized spots. Little disappointed in taking a part back very next day that the owner him self sold me and put his markings on himself said the markings didn't look like his as if he didn't want to refund me. After a few min he did decide to refund me. He remembered me getting it and I had recite he wrote. Maid me feel like he didn't want to give me my money. Wanted me to exchange it instead. But did refund me fully. I will continue to buy from him since he did do me right at the end.
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