JunkYards in Edgerton, OH
Here we list the basic information concerning 4 junkyards in Edgerton such as addresses, phone numbers, and open hours on this page. Check out the list of junkyards below and pick out the one that you like. Then, click the button to get an offer now.
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List of Junkyards in Edgerton City
- 3.6
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Address:06018 US, Edgerton, OH (Zipcode: 43517)Phone:Open hours:Open from 08:00 am to 17:00 pmStatus:ClosedCalled promptly at 8 when they opened ask about a engine coil said they would go look and call me back 30 minutes one hour later still no call I call yeah we're looking for it right now 45 minutes later still no call I'll just drive to Toledo to cherry pick Auto and get one it'll take less time to go there than they messed around over here at Edgerton Auto Salvage
Need pats for 202 kua spirtage 4. Ceelender radator & hoseses
1. In Ohio, OH, How Many Auto Junk Yards Are There?
You can find a total of 4 auto junk yards in Ohio, OH.
2. What Information Can I Obtain About Auto Junk Yards in Ohio, OH?
You can get the address information, phone number, open hours, and official website of the auto junk yards in Ohio, OH.
3. Which Auto Junk Yards Are Nearest to Me in Ohio, OH?
You can find the nearest auto junk yards near you in Ohio, OH by pressing the "Check map" icon.
4. Which Auto Junk Yard in Ohio, OH Is Considered to Be the Best?
Edgerton Auto Salvage is the best auto junk yard in Ohio, OH. The following is one of the top reviews on this auto junk yard.
“Called promptly at 8 when they opened ask about a engine coil said they would go look and call me back 30 minutes one hour later still no call I call yeah we're looking for it right now 45 minutes later still no call I'll just drive to Toledo to cherry pick Auto and get one it'll take less time to go there than they messed around over here at Edgerton Auto Salvage”