JunkYards in Wampum, PA
Here we list the basic information concerning 3 junkyards in Wampum such as addresses, phone numbers, and open hours on this page. Check out the list of junkyards below and pick out the one that you like. Then, click the button to get an offer now.
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List of Junkyards in Wampum City
- 1.7
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Address:522 Foxwood Rd, Wampum, PA (Zipcode: 16157)Phone:Open hours:Open from 08:00 am to 18:00 pmStatus:OpenWent to buy rims and tires and owner assured me they were new got out there and was not the rims listed what a joke drove an hr away for nothing stay away from this place if you know whats best for you! Was trying to buy rims for my 05 mariner and was listed on fb he said those were gone months ago when post was up for less than a week!When u get a bad feeling about someone go with your gut, oh ya and the rims were trash and all he said was what do u expect for an 05 I said that's why I asked for pictures hello ๐20221
1. In Pennsylvania, PA, How Many Auto Junk Yards Are There?
You can find 3 auto junk yards in Pennsylvania, PA.
2. What Data Are Available Regarding the Auto Junk Yards in Pennsylvania, PA?
We list the address information, phone number, open hours, and official website of the auto junk yards in Pennsylvania, PA.
3. Which Auto Junk Yards Are Nearest to Me in Pennsylvania, PA?
You can find the nearest auto junk yards near you in Pennsylvania, PA by pressing the "Check map" icon. Or you can click on this link to find auto junk yards near you.
4. Which Auto Junk Yard in Pennsylvania, PA Is Said to Be the Finest?
Foxwood Auto Salvage is the best auto junk yard in Pennsylvania, PA. The following is one of the featured remarks on this auto junk yard.
โWent to buy rims and tires and owner assured me they were new got out there and was not the rims listed what a joke drove an hr away for nothing stay away from this place if you know whats best for you! Was trying to buy rims for my 05 mariner and was listed on fb he said those were gone months ago when post was up for less than a week!When u get a bad feeling about someone go with your gut, oh ya and the rims were trash and all he said was what do u expect for an 05 I said that's why I asked for pictures hello ๐20221โ