Steel City Metals 74331
If you are looking for a junk yard to sell your vehicles at a fair price in Afton (Oklahoma), Steel City Metals suits you best. It mainly focuses on the delivery of car parts or scrap metal, always with the most rigorous quality inspection. You can also ask them for an evaluation of your junk car or information on buying a junk car. Dial the phone number +1 918-257-7500 during its open hours or email them if available.
Steel City Metals JunkYard Reviews
4.5 stars based on 10 reviews- RRandy Keller
EASY to do business with! Easy off and on highway access, easy process through the weight, unloading, and payment procedure. Bring a valid ID to complete your transaction. Every team member I encountered was polite, friendly, patient and professional.
- JJennifer Sanders
Employees are always friendly and helpful. I have sold scrape metal several times. As we clean up our farm, we will be returning. I wouldn't sell scrape to anyone else.
- WWhitt Baker
It's the best recycling facility around and the people are very friendly and cans are going for 45 cents per pound.
- KKathryn Fletcher
As long as we go there we are treated with respect
- SSamuel & Jessica Pease
The are for shred was a mess. We was scared that we would get out tires slashed by something. Some of the employees can seem rude. Really needs to be more organized by a lot
- EErik Daniels
Good place to scrap your metal. They pay out good prices and have friendly staff. I just wish they would extend the open hours by 1 or 2 hours to help with time schedules.
- JJimmy T
Nice people and good prices
- SSebetha “Rabbit” Orlovetz
Always a pleasurable experience. Great employees, great prices. That's what's makes great companies.
- KKevin Waddle
I was very pleased with the friendliness of their employees, and service was quick too. I would recommend this scrap metal to all
- RRobert Sieben (Bob)
Excellent customer service. Clarissa was courteous, professional and efficient.
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- 49600 E 220 Rd, Afton, OK (Zipcode: 74331)
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Location & Hours
Current Hours
- Sun: Closed
- Mon: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
- Tues: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
- Wed: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
- Thur: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
- Fri: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
- Sat: Closed
Current Hours
- Sun: Closed
- Mon: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
- Tues: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
- Wed: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
- Thur: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
- Fri: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
- Sat: Closed
1. What Is the Contact Information of Steel City Metals?
You can call them at this phone number +1 918-257-7500. Alternatively, you can go to their website to find email contact info.
2. What Is the Address of Steel City Metals?
Steel City Metals is at 911 S 1st St, Afton, OK (Zipcode: 74331). You can check the map above to find the quickest route.
3. What Do People Think About Steel City Metals?
You can see one of the customer comments on this salvage yard below.
“EASY to do business with! Easy off and on highway access, easy process through the weight, unloading, and payment procedure. Bring a valid ID to complete your transaction. Every team member I encountered was polite, friendly, patient and professional.”4. What Services Can I Get From Steel City Metals?
Steel City Metals offers car removal services, where you can sell your junk car for cash. If you want to evaluate their services in comparison to those of other salvage yards, you may do so on this website.