JunkYards in Victorville, CA
Here we list the basic information concerning 4 junkyards in Victorville such as addresses, phone numbers, and open hours on this page. Check out the list of junkyards below and pick out the one that you like. Then, click the button to get an offer now.
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List of Junkyards in Victorville City
Good place to find parts ..
- 3.4
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Address:17229 Gas Line Rd, Victorville, CA (Zipcode: 92394)Phone:Open hours:Open from 09:00 am to 18:00 pmStatus:ClosedLKQ has made a few changes. Not for the best in some ways. They automatically throw on the 90 day guarantee whether you want it or not. In my case it added an additional $43 to my bill. There was the environment fee for every part you buy. That added up to an additional $13. It doesn't state anywhere on the receipt how that environmental fee is calculated or if it is a fee that goes back the the County or State. Which leads me to thinking then that this is just another BS fee for the company to generate extra money as nobody will question it as it's stated as an "environmental fee" and thereby potentially misleading people to believe that it's a fee that the County or State collects.The total cost of my parts was just shy of $144, not including sales tax. Now you look at that the "guarantee and environmental fees" totalled to $56. That's over 1/3rd of the cost of the total parts that was added onto the bill.Now I question if the guarantee and environmental fees were taxed and are those taxible items.
- 2.6
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Address:14760 La Mesa Rd, Victorville, CA (Zipcode: 92392)Phone:Open hours:Open from 07:00 am to 20:00 pmStatus:OpenSaw they did appliance pickups, the guy wanted to charge me an outrageous price to come get it. Says recycle companies don’t take fridges anymore so he had to charge me double. Called a couple recycle places near me and they said they’d take them.
Call any time any day at any hour. Never trucks available. What a joke.
1. How Many Car Salvage Yards Are Available in California, CA?
We've found out 4 car salvage yards in California, CA in total.
2. What Details Can I Obtain about Car Salvage Yards in California, CA?
You can get all information about car salvage yards in California, CA such as addresses, phone numbers, open hours, status and more.
3. How to Find the Closest Car Salvage Yards in California, CA?
Click the Google Map icon on this page to locate the car salvage yards near you. Apart from that, you can click here now to find car salvage yards near you right now.
4. Which One Is the Best Car Salvage Yard in California, CA?
The best car salvage yard in California, CA is Pick & Pull Auto Parts. Check out the comment below to know more.
“Good place to find parts ..”