Junk Yards in Barnstable County, Massachusetts
We have collected all relevant details regarding the 9 scrap yards in Barnstable County, such as address, phone number, open hours. Looking to get cash for your junk car? Simply click below to get your cash offer in no time!
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List of Junkyards in Barnstable County
- 4.9Check mapAddress:465 Main St, Dennis Port, MA (Zipcode: 02639)Phone:Open hours:Open from 08:00 am to 13:00 pmStatus:Closed
Always have what I need... batteries, headlight bulbs, etc, etc. Also, always helpful and polite.
- 4.4Check mapAddress:326 MA, Harwich Port, MA (Zipcode: 02646)Phone:Open hours:Open from 08:00 am to 14:00 pmStatus:Closed
Coffin&Sons is a great local small business that my family has been using for years and years! We are always happy with their friendly and speedy service! Amy K. Services: Junk removal, House & garage cleanouts
- 2.6Check mapAddress:548 Center St, Dennis Port, MA (Zipcode: 02639)Phone:Open hours:ClosedStatus:Closed
I called to find a cheaper tire they got back to me right away and saved me a lot of money! Thank you for being here
Mom's sedan had too much wrong for her to put into the vehicle. Rust pushed it over the edge. She got a newer used and needed this gone. Local salvage quoted a price. This Carvio national group beat them by double. So I took a second look for a local company and saw Cape Cars. They returned the call immediately. Asked what Mom wanted to get. I quoted the number of the local salvage and was told the will beat that price. They doubled it. Were at the vehicle 2 hours later with cash. Transfer of title and it was a done deal. So happy I looked a little further to help Us use a local business! Professional. Fair. Timely. Call Peter at Cape Cars first! Thank you from Alicia&Judy.
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