JunkYards in Johnston County, NC
USCarJunker has enumerated 1 junk yard near you in Johnston County. Moreover, you are able to check up the detailed information such as junk yards’ location, telephone number, open hours, etc. Click the buttons below and you can get an offer or call for further communication.
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List of Junkyards in Johnston County
- 3.4
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Address:1551 Lees Union Church Rd, Four Oaks, NC (Zipcode: 27524)Phone:Open hours:Open from 07:30 am to 17:00 pmStatus:OpenKealy was very helpful. She told me to call when I was heading there to pickup my part and she would have somebody start pulling it for me. I did not have to wait very long for the part after I arrived. Thank you! This will be my first call should I need more parts in the future and I will recommend Eastern Automotive Inc to my friends.
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