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Junk Yards in Washington County, Vermont

USCarJunker provides you with essential information about the 4 junk yards in Washington County, like their address, phone number, open hours and so on. You can quickly know the differences between junk yards and choose the ideal one. You can also get an offer from us by clicking the button below or dialing the number below!

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List of Junkyards in Washington County

  • Casella Waste Systems - Montpelier Headquarters
    408 E Montpelier Rd, Montpelier, VT (Zipcode: 05602)
    Open hours:
    Open from 08:00 am to 17:00 pm

    I've had Casella as my garbage pickup for over a year. They used to pick up trash and recycling weekly. Then they reduced recycling to once every two weeks, but they are still charging the same. At least once a month I have to call in because the drivers didn't pick up my trash or my recycling. My time is wasted making sure they are doing what I'm paying them for... meanwhile, if you put your trash out even a minute late, it's tough luck for you and they'll get it next week... unless they don't and I have to call in again to get them to pick it up.It's the worst waste management service I've ever had in my life.

  • Casella Waste Systems
    418 US, Montpelier, VT (Zipcode: 05602)
    Open hours:
    Open from 07:30 am to 03:45 pm

    Such great service! Missed curb side trash pick-up yesterday, driver came back today, came up my driveway to get my bin.

  • Peugeot Holm
    2120 Maple Hill Rd, Plainfield, VT (Zipcode: 05667)
    Open hours:
    Open from 10:00 am to 20:00 pm

    Brian of Peugeot Holm has provided an invaluable service to the world wide community of Peugeot owners for the many decades that I have known him and for a long time prior to that. He not only has an irreplaceable stock of used parts that are needed to keep the older Peugeots in North America (and beyond) running, but he also has an incredible knowledge of the subtle variations of the parts and which model years the differences apply to, and he willingly contributes to discussions where his input is valued. Brian should be supported and applauded for his efforts to preserve and keep operational a wide range of historic vehicles.

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