Junk Yards in Lakewood, WA
Here we list the detailed info concerning 5 junk yards in Lakewood like addresses, phone numbers, and open hours on this page. Check out the list of junkyards below and pick out the one according to your needs. Then, click on the button to get an offer now.
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List of Junkyards in Lakewood City
- 4.3Check mapAddress:2416 112th St S, Lakewood, WA (Zipcode: 98499)Phone:Open hours:Open from 08:00 am to 18:00 pmStatus:Open
Long way away from where I live but it had what I was looking for. Turns out a mirror for a 96 Ford escort is very hard to find. But this place had it thankfully. Lots of people so a good place to find things and lots of cars for what your looking for.
Great if they got what you want or need. Not as good as they used to be, but still keep my business pointed towards them. Staffs great, well most of them, and great with a stressed individual needing parts for work/play/ext. Thanks for the deals over the years and the hours in the yard chasing the one part that isn't anywhere to be found. Piece of advice, keep your manners about ya, some of us won't have it any other way. Il review after a few more trips in, be safe out there.
1. How Many Auto Scrap Yards Can Be Found in Washington, WA?
USCarJunker has found 5 auto scrap yards in Washington, WA from our data source.
2. What Can I Get about Auto Scrap Yards in Washington, WA?
You can get all details about auto scrap yards in Washington, WA such as addresses, phone numbers, open hours, status and more.
3. How Do I Get to Know the Closest Auto Scrap Yards in Washington, WA?
Hit on the Google Map icon on this page to find out the auto scrap yards near you.
4. Can I Find Out the Best Auto Scrap Yard in Washington, WA?
The best auto scrap yard in Washington, WA is Pick-n-Pull. Check out the comment below to find out more information.
“Long way away from where I live but it had what I was looking for. Turns out a mirror for a 96 Ford escort is very hard to find. But this place had it thankfully. Lots of people so a good place to find things and lots of cars for what your looking for.”