JunkYards in Gulfport, MS
USCarJunker has listed 9 junkyards in Gulfport. By browsing the list below, you could easily have the brief information of different junkyards in Gulfport. Contact an ideal junkyard by the listed address, phone, and open hours based on your needs. The most direct way is to click the button below for getting your offer or call our professional team for assistance.
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List of Junkyards in Gulfport City
We had an old truck that had seen it's last days and we were looking around to see who could give us a fair price for scrap as well as help tow it out of our driveway. ..Chevron Towing answered all of our questions and had the truck towed away within hours!! Their driver was very friendly and helpful as well. I was impressed with their professionalism and quick service!
- 3.8
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Address:11200 Reichold Rd, Gulfport, MS (Zipcode: 39503)Phone:Open hours:Open from 08:00 am to 03:30 pmStatus:OpenPeople's nice the young woman that working the office nice. Good place to drop material off to
- 4.4
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Address:10588 Joe Boardman Jr. Dr, Gulfport, MS (Zipcode: 39503)Phone:Open hours:Open from 08:00 am to 04:30 pmStatus:OpenWonderful people Awesome prices workers are always professional Especially when it comes to breaking down in describing metalsI will definitely continue to doI will definitely continue to do businessI with Yall I highly recommend anyone else to do the same
- 3.3
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Address:10032 Southpark Dr, Gulfport, MS (Zipcode: 39503)Phone:Open hours:Open from 08:00 am to 17:00 pmStatus:OpenGreat staff from the ladies in the office to the guys in the back. Everyone including Chris the manager are very knowledgeable and will help you with anything. I wish the price on the precious metals were a little better though. 😁
- 2.7
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Address:10123 Southpark Dr, Gulfport, MS (Zipcode: 39503)Phone:Open hours:Open from 08:00 am to 16:00 pmStatus:OpenEvery catalytic converter I've sold to these people over the last several years was the same kinds. One day I decided to go to PGM OF Texas and I was shocked and upset at the same time. PGM paid almost double what Cat Con did. They're ripping people off... Go to PGM
- 2.3
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Address:665 E Pass Rd, Gulfport, MS (Zipcode: 39507)Phone:Open hours:Open from 09:00 am to 19:00 pmStatus:OpenDefinitely not deal but definitely will steal your money. Bargain store is absolutely not what it should be called.
1. In Mississippi, MS, How Many Auto Salvage Yards Are Out There?
There are 9 auto salvage yards in Mississippi, MS.
2. What Information Is Available About Auto Salvage Yards in Mississippi, MS?
We provide the address information, phone number, operating hours, and official website of the auto salvage yards in Mississippi, MS.
3. Which Auto Salvage Yards Are The Most Convenient for Me in Mississippi, MS?
You can locate the nearest auto salvage yards near you in Mississippi, MS by checking the "Check map" icon.
4. Which Auto Salvage Yard in Mississippi, MS Is the Best?
Chevron Towing | We Buy Junk Cars is the best auto salvage yard in Mississippi, MS. The following is one of the featured comments on this auto salvage yard.
“We had an old truck that had seen it's last days and we were looking around to see who could give us a fair price for scrap as well as help tow it out of our driveway. ..Chevron Towing answered all of our questions and had the truck towed away within hours!! Their driver was very friendly and helpful as well. I was impressed with their professionalism and quick service!”